Friday, February 06, 2009

What a beautiful day!
I so enjoy days like this when everyone is cheerful and the sun is out.... I know I sound like I'm on uppers but I honestly like it.

This past weekend Kaelah and I took a short trip to Memphis and I'm finally getting the hang of the city....if I get lost at least I know that if I get on Poplar I'll make it out. Such a fun trip, we talked the majority of the way loving truck stops and ladies with mustaches. Oh yes, hotness. We were able to visit a couple of kitschy coffee shops and make some pizza. Life is good, it truly is :)

This week I've been at IveyCake everyday helping out and am now given the chance to learn how to ice the cupcakes! You wouldn't think it's that hard but it certainly takes time and talent. A whole lot of work goes into these little treats that people so often look over. Everything is homemade, even down to the decorations adorning them. The good thing is with all of the time I've put in I can pay my bills. Rent was due is of satan....I think I've mentioned it before. You know, just sayin.....SATAN. We have a dry erase board calendar hanging in our hallway that says when bills are due and I noticed yesterday that we have at least 1 bill due every week. It never ends I tell ya- I can sympathize with my parents now with getting them in the mail. Thank you two for supporting me and all of my water use!
Tonight Whitney and I are going to see 'He's Just Not That Into You' at the Green Hills Mall. Super excited, good times.

I'm off for now, good day one and all :)

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