Saturday, February 28, 2009

Next saturday morning I will take my first cake decorating class at JoAnn's. I'm really excited but also a little nervous. I was telling Ivey I felt it might be like being back in school- you know the cool girls in a little circle who are the best at everything.
But aside from petty grade school competition which I'm sure will not even be there, it should be fun.

I've been engulfed for the past month looking at wedding cakes, and believe me I've watched the Martha Stewart Art of Cakes episode (which I tivo'd by the way) at least 3 times already. I looked up pictures of what the cakes I'll be decorating might look like. One of them I am by no means excited about- the clown cake. Now I know it's alll about technique and that's most likely the main purpose in doing it but still. Kinda creepy.....I have to buy 2 plastic clown heads and their bodies I will make out of icing.
Here are some pictures of what others have done:

I'm really really excited. Hello cake decorating, I will conquer you! (Chances are, you'll humble me and I just might suck)

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