Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This day has come to such a beautiful close.
I'm sitting on the front porch of Adam's parents home atop this rickety old makeshift bench watching "the boys" shovel rocks. Apparently they've just found a frog of some sort hopping around.
The sun has now set which has left the air cool and now still with only the faintest breeze. Adam's been playing the new Coconut Records and Coldplay's release of the Viva la Vida tour- seems to be the perfect soundtrack for this evening.
Blunders have arisen when it comes to the wedding, everything from the cake to a tent costing $600. Doing things as a team makes life easier and more enjoyable than I'd expected. We're a team, you know?
Yesterday we both had a break from work and scurried about town running errands and finding the price for tobacco cloth. Turns out, no one really sells that stuff....dangit. Also a new refuge for the us has become book stores. We linger around the isles for hours sometimes.... I bought 'My Life in France' by the way :)
A wonderful story of Julia Child and her time spent in Paris with her husband.
I've now decided I will reside there for a short while and learn to speak french while cooking. With Julia's vivaciousness and love for food I was greatly inspired for dinner. Luckily I layed out chicken yesterday morning to stuff with goat cheese and carmelized onions! So yummy! We bought a bottle of sweet sweet Hogue wine and french bread to dip in olive oil and herbs.
We have, once again, the best times together. We cooked the whole meal in our itty bitty apartment kitchen, quite a feat really.
The sun has very little light left for this day and boys have now finished their work. I think I'll retreat inside and go home for a swim.
Lovely days are here :)

By the way, we just spotted a deer in the front yard

1 comment:

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

my life in france is one of my favorite books. i got made fun of at school so much while i was reading it, but it's so great! julia child was such an amazing, interesting woman.

oh and hey, sorry i can't add you to my filter on my live journal. sadly, you can only add other live journal users!

good luck with the wedding planning. don't get to stressed, i wasn't even aware of the things that went "wrong" on our day last year. you will have a beautiful time surrounded by all the people you love most.