Sunday, January 25, 2009

It is Sunday and by all of our calendars a new week has started. But you know what's funny? If ever I decide on a new week resolution, you know like "starting next week I'm working out everyday.", yet I rarely hear of people doing that on Sunday's. I'm going absolutely no where with that and have no point to prove, but I was just thinking about that.

Yesterday I worked then came home to hang out with Brittany. We ended up making homemade pizza-we're getting really good at it- bought Ben and Jerry's miniature's and rented 'My Best Friends Girl' with Dane Cook and Kate Hudson. Let me forewarn you that it's not a family movie. It had it's funny moments for sure but overall I was more appalled by some of the things they were allowed to say in the script. Quite vulgar if you ask me. But anyway....
This morning LK and I had starbucks and visited the People's Church which both of us enjoyed. Growing up in the kind of household that I did church tended to be a second home; I know how things work, the flow of the service, etc etc. That's what you get for being a worship minister's daughter. So all of that to say I felt very comfortable, just like how it was growing up. But the one thing I don't miss about not having a parent on staff at the church you decided to attend is that you don't hear all of the drama. You wouldn't believe the drama that goes on in a church...oh my word. Gosh this is lengthy. My apologies!
I'm in Spring Hill right now for lunch with the family then hanging out with my fine feathered friend Whitney. Love you :)

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