Thursday, November 20, 2008

Last night was amazing, I went to see Kings of Leon with Jessica, Whitney, Lindsey and Sarah.

Such a fantastic show, they are by far one of my top 5 bands. I sang as loud as I could amongst the fiery drunken crowd to my favorite songs. It was most definitely a night to remember. Thank you girls for being there!

Amidst the amazing nights that I've had lately, going to concert after concert (Lovedrug and Copeland at Rocketown the night before) I still am living my days in uncertainty. Having lost my job unexpectedly I had to be on the look out for a new opportunity. I know with allll that I am, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Lord will wholly provide for my needs. I may not be making an excessive amount of income every month but I know He'll take care of my needs. I've had a couple of interviews concerning job leads but I have yet to hear back. In my heart and mind I must realize that God has yet to open the door with which I am to walk through. I am being prepared for a future situation that he hasn't placed in my path.
This morning while I was getting ready- straightening my hair which smelled so awfully of smoke from the concert- I was praying for a God opportunity today. Praying for Him to present a creative outlet where I can spread my wings.
So I'm sitting here at work with a quiet moment and I decide to start reading, book to book, verse to verse. I read in Matthew 10 where He's talking about how if I forget about myself and look to Him I will find myself and Him.
Goodness knows I haven't had my "Ah Ha!" moment about what I want to do with my life. "Finding myself" is something I've been struggling with. I'm surrounded by friends in school who know exactly what they want to do and are actively pursuing that career... sometimes I can't help but be envious.

"Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)

So sorry to be a Debbie Downer, I will have a happier post up soon. : )

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